Simple, bespoke solutions to individual aviation compliance and risk management challenges.

Fireflight Consulting is a small consultancy, based in Blenheim. We specialise in supporting small, general aviation companies, who want and need simple, efficient and bespoke solutions to Civil Aviation compliance requirements.
With the shift within CAANZ towards less prescriptive, risk-based rules and with a Safety Management System at their heart, companies are better placed to be provided with solutions and strategies that fit their operational profile, and not be forced into a “cookie-cutter” solution.
We will provide you with a smart, simple and streamlined approach to your Civil Aviation certification requirements. To do this, we will listen to you, and document your current operational procedures and practices, and use these as a basis for your documented procedures.
Our intention is to provide solutions and support with minimal disruption to the way that you run your business. The last thing we want to do is to have you make unnecessary changes to your current procedures. We want to help you run your business the way you want to, without major upheavals, simply to obtain certification.

Supporting Safety Managers to gain confidence in identifying and solving challenges, and learning from the results.
The Fireflight Consulting Ltd Mentoring Scheme is specifically designed to provide a level of support and development to safety managers for small and medium operators within New Zealand. Rather than having a consultant come in and tell the company what they need to do, this scheme aims to help safety managers work through the issues, and come up with solutions on their own, while having the ‘back-up’ of having the results overseen by a dedicated safety manager.
An additional goal of this scheme will be the ability to collate safety information and be able to ‘benchmark’ an operator’s incidents against others of a similar size and operation type, as well as sharing ‘lessons learned’ without having to divulge and individual operator.

Fireflight Consulting firmly believe that risk management is not risk avoidance, it’s about keeping risks to a level that are acceptable; after all, without people taking risks, people do not develop and grow. The same is true for business.
Every business is different. While you may be doing the same type of work as another company, there will always be differences in how, and why, you do what you do. Your business isn’t generic so that's why we don't offer a generic approach to safety management. We will never provide a standard compliance manual or put forward a system that isn’t tailored specifically for your business and needs. To do so would assume you face the same risks, and have the same approach to dealing with them as every other business.
We believe that a bespoke approach to compliance and risk management is well within reach of small aviation businesses. We do not have to settle for a cookie-cutter approach to dealing with the varied risks that businesses face in the current aviation environment.
Where we began…
In 2008 Fireflight Consulting owner/operator Aaron Marshall was approached to help develop compliance procedures and a manual for a Flight School, under a Quality Management System. At this point, Aaron was about to foresee that Safety Management Systems were coming, and incorporated aspects of this into the manuals. From there, Aaron has developed numerous Safety Management Systems, and has been able to incorporate a company’s existing procedures into these new systems, with a minimum of changes.